จรรยาบรรณธุรกิจ ของ บริษัท เอิร์ธ เท็ค เอนไวรอนเมนท์ จำกัด (มหาชน)
This business conduct is for Board of directors, executives, and employees to behave in proper conduct of professional business operation with moral and responsibility to the economy and social as a whole. Moreover, in order to encourage ideal operational system adhering to justice and transparency as priorities, the ethics and code of conduct of Earth Tech Environment Public Company Limited is created as a standard for business operation and company’s related parties to acknowledge and apply.
The provision of the definitions is be used for indicative terms in Earth Tech Environment Public Company Limited’s business ethics and code of conduct as follows:
Director | means | A person who possesses the qualifications of a director under Section 68 of the Public Limited Companies Act, B.E. 2535, has been elected by the shareholders’ meeting as a director. |
Executive | means | Executive directors, the Chief Executive Officer, or the first four executives following the Chief Executive Officer, including all those holding positions equivalent to the fourth executive, as well as executives in accounting or finance positions at the department manager level or higher, or equivalent positions. |
Employee | means | Permanent employees, temporary employees, employees under special contracts, and contractors employed by the company. The company believes that effective work is not only about knowledge and skills of the employee. The behaviors and work practices of the employees also effect the employees themselves, colleagues, and the company as a whole. |
Stakeholder | means | Person, parties, entities who are related or directly impacted by the company’s operation. |
Customer | means | Valued partners of the company and customers should receive excellent service to encourage their continued patronage of the company’s services. |
Supplier | means | Person, parties, and entities who conduct business with the company. |
The company has established the following business ethics and code of conduct as standards
- Company’s code of business conduct
- Operate the business legally
- The company operates legally and has policy against every form of corruptions.
- The company encourages directors, executives, and employees believe and practice according to law, including building awareness within the society to prevent every form of corruptions.
- The company operates by not violating intellectual properties or rights of others.
- Operate business that is beneficial to economy, society, and environment
- The company should conduct business in a manner that benefits the overall economy.
- The company should conduct business in ways that do not conflict with customs, traditions, or cause harm to society.
- The company should be responsible towards society and the community, as well as support and contribute to activities that foster social and environmental development.
- Treat all related parties fairly by not solely taking advantage of them
- The company competes in the market fairly.
- The company preserves advantages of every stakeholder fairly.
- The company reassures that the right of stakeholders is secured by the law.
- The company is sincere fair and ready to support the customers.
- The company prioritizes positive working environment without any kinds of harassment
which are as following:- Verbal harassment which are Distortion, defamation, or damaging of reputation.
- Physical harassment such as Threats, physical assault, or threats of physical harm.
- Visible harassment such as Aggressive communication, gestures, language, or the use of images that cause offense.
- Sexual harassment, such as requesting sexual favors, blackmailing for money or other benefits by threatening to reveal secrets, and other forms of sexual assault, both physical and verbal.
- Disclosure of information
- The company discloses the adequate correct information in time and transparently.
- The company avoids misunderstanding among the stakeholders and misunderstanding of the facts related to the information.
- Employee treatments
- The company should provide care for its employees and offer employee benefits.
- The company fairly treats every employee without bias.
- The company should support and promote activities that strengthen relationships between employees and foster connections between employees and the organization.
- The company promotes the knowledge development and career advancement for employees.
- The company provides fair compensation to the employees.
- The company respects and upholds human rights which are fundamental for human development.
- Building of value that consider the company interest than personal interests
- Operate the business legally
The company supports and fosters the employee to prioritize the company’s interests than their personal interests.
- Code of Conduct for the Company’s Board of Directors, Executives, and Employees
- Main Code of Conduct for the Company’s Board of Directors
The Board of Directors should adhere to guidelines that align with the company’s business ethics principles. Directors must always remember that their responsibilities are not only limited to the company and its shareholders, but also extend to customers and other stakeholders. Considering the collective benefit of all involved parties is essential to their conduct. They must carry out their responsibilities with the following principles:
- Honesty, fairness, and integrity in the company’s operations
- Directors must perform their duties in accordance with the company’s rules, objectives, and regulations, as well as shareholders’ resolutions.
- Directors must carry out their duties independently, without influence from management or groups with personal interests, and must not have any personal interests that affect their business decisions.
- Directors should use their knowledge and capabilities to the fullest extent when performing their duties.
- Directors must protect shareholders’ interests and treat all stakeholders fairly.
- All actions of the directors must be honest, sincere, and in line with moral values, with the company’s best interests being the priority in decision-making.
- Directors must be committed to truth and avoid causing misunderstandings, whether directly or indirectly. They must not make false statements or act in ways that lead to misunderstandings by omitting actions or information.
- Directors must strictly adhere to the company’s anti-corruption policies.
- As directors of the company, personal transactions or other business dealings must be kept separate from the company’s business operations.
- Confidentiality
- Directors must not disclose confidential information about the company’s customers, employees, or operations, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to external parties unless consent has been obtained.
- Directors must not use information obtained from their role to benefit themselves or others financially unless it is for the company’s benefit.
- Directors must disclose any personal or business interests, as well as any conflicts of interest, that may arise.
- Directors must comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations related to business operations.
- Directors must not use their position for personal gain from parties doing business with the company, including those seeking to engage in business with the company
- Main Code of Conduct for Executives
- Executives should conduct themselves within the framework of good morals and traditions, refrain from inappropriate behavior, and make decisions with sincerity for the best interest of the company, customers, shareholders, and employees.
- Executives should manage with care, attention, and broad vision, setting an example in enhancing efficiency and effectiveness with ethics to achieve the company’s objectives and goals.
- Executives should treat employees with respect, govern subordinates with fairness, and not misuse their authority.
- Executives must demonstrate a commitment to ethics and the code of conduct by acting as role models for other employees, fostering a work environment that promotes adherence to ethics and the code of conduct, and striving to prevent violations of ethics and conduct.
- Executives should support the development of employees’ potential for advancement and enhance their work efficiency, providing appropriate welfare, sincerity, and respect for the rights and opinions of employees.
- Executives must strictly adhere to the company’s anti-corruption policies.
- Main Code of Conduct for Employees
To enhance good and efficient work performance and promote a positive work environment, employees should follow these guidelines:
- Conduct towards oneself
- Employees must strictly adhere to the company’s work regulations and anti-corruption policies.
- Employees should perform their duties with honesty, integrity, diligence, and strive to continuously improve their work efficiency for the benefit of both themselves and the company.
- Employees should maintain a positive attitude towards the company, show respect, and comply with the orders of their supervisors, provided such orders are consistent with company policies and regulations.
- Employees should perform their duties with knowledge, competence, efficiency, and in accordance with the standards required for their position.
- Employees should conduct themselves within the framework of good morals and traditions, refraining from inappropriate behavior.
- Conduct towards colleagues
- Employees should foster unity and mutual support, avoiding conflicts that may lead to harm to others or the company.
- Employees should treat colleagues with friendliness, sincerity, respect for their rights, and mutual courtesy. They should avoid disclosing or criticizing others’ personal or work-related information in a manner that may cause harm to colleagues or the company.
- Employees should avoid giving or receiving gifts of significant value or doing so with the intent of receiving favors or creating bias, whether towards themselves, colleagues, subordinates, or supervisors.
- Conduct towards the company
- Employees should demonstrate faith, loyalty, honesty, diligence, and devotion to the company, and work to uphold the company’s reputation.
- Employees should not use their authority for personal gain or to benefit others, whether directly or indirectly, in a way that causes harm to the company.
- Employees must promptly report any issues that may affect the company’s operations or reputation to their supervisors.
- Employees must maintain the confidentiality of the company’s information and should not disclose any data, innovations, or intellectual property, whether tangible or intangible, that could potentially harm the company. Employees must also not use any information obtained from their work for personal gain.
- Employees must take care of the company’s assets and benefits, ensuring they remain in good condition and are fully utilized. They should also conserve resources, avoid waste, and prevent damage or deterioration before their expected lifespan.
- Conduct to avoid in actions that conflict with the company’s interests
- Employees should not use their position to seek personal gain or benefit for themselves or their associates, nor engage in businesses that compete with the company.
- Employees should not directly or indirectly engage in activities that compete with the company or are contrary to the company’s interests.
- Employees should not have any financial interests with customers or business partners, such as being a business owner, partner, shareholder, director, creditor, debtor, or consultant. If such a conflict of interest arises, it must be disclosed to their supervisor.
- Employees must not solicit or accept any property or assets from customers or business partners, beyond the fees and expenses established by the company.
- Conduct towards customers
- Employees should consistently provide excellent service to customers with honesty and integrity, informing them of their rights and safeguarding their interests.
- Employees should serve customers with accuracy, promptness, willingness, sincerity, and politeness.
- Conduct towards business partners
- Employees should treat business partners with fairness, honesty, integrity, and equality.
- Employees must not disclose the trade secrets or confidential information of business partners to others, and must not defame or criticize business partners.
- Employees should not solicit or demand benefits from business partners in exchange for performing their duties.
- Employees should not accept or offer extravagant entertainment, benefits, or expensive gifts that may influence them to comply with the partner’s improper requests that violate the company’s standard practices.
- Conduct towards supervisors and subordinates
- Employees should listen to the advice of their supervisors and not bypass their direct supervisors unless instructed by higher authority. Additionally, they should show respect and politeness to employees in higher positions.
- Employees should treat their subordinates with kindness and fairness, offering guidance and supporting their development for career advancement. They should share knowledge, encourage training opportunities to enhance skills and experience, and listen to subordinates’ opinions or suggestions regarding work, using them to improve the tasks at hand.
- Code of Conduct towards Stakeholders
- Conduct towards shareholders and investors
The company operates with honesty, integrity, and ethics, and strives to grow the business with good performance, providing appropriate and sustainable returns for shareholders and investors. The company ensures equal treatment for all shareholders and therefore requires directors, executives, and employees to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Perform duties with honesty and integrity, and make decisions transparently, carefully, prudently, and fairly, ensuring equal treatment of all shareholders for the overall benefit of the shareholders.
- Manage the company’s operations in a way that promotes steady growth and provides appropriate returns to shareholders.
- Present reports on the company’s status, financial performance, and accounting information regularly and truthfully.
- Inform all shareholders about the company’s future prospects, both positive and negative, based on facts, supported by sufficient data and reasoning
- Refrain from seeking personal gain or benefiting others by using undisclosed company information, or by engaging in any actions that may create a conflict of interest with the company.
- Conduct towards shareholders and investors
The company values its employees as a key resource that contributes to achieving its business objectives. Therefore, the company has policies in place to ensure that employees have a good quality of life, receive appropriate welfare, have opportunities for career development, and work in a safe and hygienic environment. The guidelines are as follows:
- Strictly comply with laws and regulations related to employees.
- Provide a good working environment that is safe for employees’ lives and property.
- Treat employees with politeness and respect for their individuality and human dignity.
- Provide fair compensation based on the knowledge, abilities, responsibilities, and performance of each employee.
- Make decisions regarding appointments, transfers, rewards, and punishments based on fairness, considering the knowledge, skills, and appropriateness of each employee.
8 - Prioritize employee development by providing equal and consistent opportunities for growth.
- Avoid any unjust actions that may affect employees’ job security, cause harassment, or create psychological pressure.
- Employees have the right to file complaints in cases of unfair treatment according to the established procedures.
- Support employee participation in setting work directions and solving company issues.
- Listen to the opinions and suggestions of employees at all levels equally and fairly.
- Conduct towards customers
The company recognizes the importance of customer satisfaction for its business success and has established the following guidelines:
- Fulfill contracts, agreements, or conditions made with customers. If unable to do so, promptly notify the customer in advance to jointly find solutions and prevent any damages
- Implement a system for receiving customer complaints regarding service quality, response times, or delivery, and ensure that customers receive prompt responses.
- Provide accurate, sufficient, and timely information to customers regarding the services provided.
- Strive to enhance customer satisfaction and confidence by delivering high-quality services with appropriate safety and technology, and continuously raising service standards.
- Prioritize maintaining customer confidentiality and refrain from using such information for personal gain or the benefit of others.
- Do not solicit, accept, or offer any dishonest benefits to customers.
- Conduct towards business partners
The company has a policy to establish strong business relationships with its partners, conducting business based on mutual fairness and supporting the best interests of both parties. The company ensures equal treatment of partners, avoids conflicts of interest, and strictly adheres to agreements to achieve mutual benefits. The following guidelines apply:
- Fulfill contracts, agreements, or conditions made with business partners. If unable to do so, promptly notify the partner in advance to jointly find solutions and prevent damages.
- Do not discriminate against business partners and avoid bias, ensuring fair competition among them.
- Treat business partners equally and fairly, ensuring that both parties receive fair compensation.
- Implement management and monitoring systems to ensure full compliance with contract terms and prevent fraud or misconduct throughout the procurement process.
- Conduct procurement transparently, providing partners with accurate and equal information, and giving them sufficient time to prepare or submit bids to the company.
- Do not engage in business with partners who fail to comply with labor laws, including provisions on female and child labor.
- Establish procurement criteria covering various aspects such as QA/QC, safety, health, and environmental capabilities to ensure high-quality partners.
- Strictly comply with environmental laws and implement measures to prevent and mitigate environmental impacts arising from the production, storage, transportation, and disposal throughout the life cycle of products and services by both parties.
- Communicate and foster awareness of social and environmental responsibility, and jointly support activities that benefit the public, including those that promote the well-being of communities.
- Respect the rights and opinions of community members, particularly indigenous people, migrants, and vulnerable groups living in areas where the company operates. Establish regular communication to build relationships with these communities.
- Conduct towards creditors
The company aims to establish strong business relationships with creditors, conducting business based on fairness and mutual support. The company ensures equal treatment of creditors, focusing on the best interests of the company while avoiding conflicts of interest and strictly adhering to agreements. The following guidelines apply:
- Fulfill contracts, agreements, or conditions made with creditors. If unable to do so, promptly notify the creditor in advance to jointly find solutions and prevent damages.
- Provide accurate, complete, and timely financial information to creditors on a regular basis.
- Manage operations in a way that reassures creditors of the company’s financial stability and ability to meet its debt obligations.
- Conduct towards competitors
The company has a policy to treat competitors based on fair competition rules. It does not seek confidential information from competitors through dishonest or inappropriate means. The guidelines are as follows:
- Operate within the framework of fair and proper competition, cooperating with regulatory bodies overseeing trade competition.
- Treat competitors equally and fairly, ensuring that both parties receive fair compensation.
- Conduct business within the guidelines of fair competition.
- Do not seek confidential information from competitors through dishonest or inappropriate methods.
- Refrain from damaging competitors’ reputations by making false accusations without evidence.
- Conduct towards the community, society, and the environment
The company operates with a sense of responsibility towards the community and society, giving importance to safety, security, hygiene, and environmental standards. It also considers the impact on natural resources and the environment. The following guidelines apply:
- Prioritize community and social activities, focusing on social, community, and environmental development, the creation and conservation of natural resources, and supporting education for youth. Support public benefit activities for underprivileged communities to help them become strong and self-sufficient.
- Allocate a portion of profits to activities that contribute to social and environmental development on a regular basis.
- Instill a sense of social and environmental responsibility in all employees at every level continuously.
- Comply with and strictly enforce compliance with the intent of laws and regulations issued by regulatory bodies.
- Uphold democratic principles and encourage employees to exercise their rights under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, as well as relevant laws.
- Implement a complaint system for issues that may impact the community, investigate the causes, address and resolve the issues, and inform complainants of the results in a timely manner.
- Respond promptly and effectively to incidents affecting the community and the environment caused by the company’s operations, fully cooperating with government officials and relevant agencies.
- Refrain from any actions that harm natural resources and the environment beyond what is legally permitted.
- Do not support any activities that are harmful to society or violate moral principles, and/or promote vices.
- Non-involvement in human rights violations
- Human Rights
The company respects the dignity and rights of each individual, including their freedom, privacy, legal rights, and human rights, as well as the interests of stakeholders. All individuals are treated equally, without discrimination based on gender, social class, or race. The company mandates that all directors, executives, and employees strictly follow human rights principles as part of their operations and avoid supporting any activities that violate universal human rights principles
- Uphold equality, fairness, and non-discrimination in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: UNDHR).
- Perform duties with caution to prevent any risks of human rights violations in business operations, including those involving related parties. Monitor respect for human rights and report any violations immediately to prevent further breaches.
- Avoid the use of forced labor, labor from human trafficking, or illegal child labor, as well as any punishments that involve physical or psychological cruelty to employees, including threats, detention, harassment, abuse, or any form of violence.
- Respect the rights of business partners and treat them fairly by implementing transparent procurement processes that promote fair competition and encourage partners to comply with human rights principles.
- Respect the rights of the community and recognize their rights by listening to and supporting community participation.
- Implement a comprehensive human rights due diligence process (HRDD).
- Work Environment
- Promote equality in employment and oppose all forms of discrimination, both direct and indirect, whether based on race, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, political opinions (as long as they are lawful), or other expressions.
- Provide employees with benefits and welfare, such as vacation leave, overtime pay, medical expenses, and various types of loans.
- Establish appropriate procedures, methods, and processes for filing grievances and resolving complaints in a fair and suitable manner.
- In cases of rule or disciplinary violations, investigations will be conducted fairly by a disciplinary committee to ensure justice.
- Occupational health and safety
The company supports the hygiene, safety, and security of employees to promote a healthy and safe work environment. Efforts are focused on controlling and preventing accidents in the workplace. The company ensures a safe working environment in compliance with relevant safety and occupational health standards, promotes employee health, and implements appropriate work hours. Employees are provided with protective equipment and relevant training to ensure their safety and well-being.
- Conducting business under environmental standards
- Conduct business with consideration for environmental conservation and safety management standards, including compliance with legal or regulatory requirements related to the environment.
- Support the procurement of products or services that prioritize safety, environmental conservation, and energy efficiency.
- Preserve and improve buildings, facilities, machinery, and the environment to maintain orderliness, cleanliness, and hygiene.
- Maintain and improve safety standards to eliminate potential hazards to facilities and the environment, ensuring compliance with international standards.
- Promote activities that conserve natural resources and the environment by creating awareness about the efficient use of resources such as water, electricity, paper, etc., and provide employees with proper knowledge of environmental conservation. Share knowledge and experiences with other organizations to improve environmental management practices within the company.
- Financial reporting and internal controls
- Prepare accurate, complete, timely, and reliable financial reports in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards.
- Implement effective internal control systems to ensure compliance with the company’s standards, regulations, and relevant laws.
- Non-violation of intellectual property rights
- Employees are prohibited from using others’ information, documents, computer programs, software, video tapes, audio tapes, or works in a way that violates intellectual property rights, regardless of whether the legal owner has reserved their rights.
- Any work created by employees during their employment belongs to the company, and employees must return any intellectual property, including inventions, upon the termination of their employment.
- Anti-corruption and bribery
- Employees are prohibited from offering or proposing to give gifts or benefits to outsiders, such as government officials, brokers, agents, or business partners, with the intent to induce them to perform or omit actions that are illegal or inappropriate, or to obtain special privileges.
- Employees are prohibited from soliciting or accepting gifts or benefits for themselves or others in exchange for performing or omitting their duties improperly.
- Business transactions with government agencies, state enterprises, or private organizations, both domestically and internationally, must be transparent, fair, and lawful in accordance with Thai and international laws.
- Use of social and political rights
Directors, executives, and employees have the right to participate in social activities, provided that they avoid actions that violate laws or moral standards, disturb public order, or damage their dignity and reputation. The company provides the following guidelines:
- Uphold democratic principles and encourage the use of legal rights under the constitution and relevant laws.
- Avoid actions that may suggest the company is involved in or supports any political party.
- Conflict of interest
The company aims to protect its legitimate interests and prevent conflicts of interest by establishing the following guidelines:
- Avoid actions that conflict with the company’s business interests, such as causing the company to lose benefits or receive less than it should, or sharing profits from the company.
- Follow the disclosure requirements for related transactions as prescribed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
- Avoid engaging in any business that competes with the company’s operations.
- Do not seek personal gain from private business dealings with the company, such as selling goods or services to the company.
- Use of insider information
Employees are prohibited from using company information for personal gain. Employees must not benefit themselves or others by using insider information, even if the company does not suffer any loss. The following guidelines apply:
- Do not disclose the company’s business secrets to outsiders, especially competitors, even after leaving the company.
- Do not use information or opportunities obtained from being a director, executive, or employee for personal gain or to compete with the company’s business.
14 - Do not use undisclosed internal information for trading securities or provide such information to others for securities trading at any time.
- Do not give advice or opinions on trading the company’s securities unless it is part of the duties assigned by the company.
- Executives and employees involved in preparing financial statements, including their family members, must not trade the company’s securities 30 days before or 1 day after the financial statements or any other significant information is disclosed.
- Protection of confidential information
Directors, executives, and employees must not disclose the company’s confidential information to outsiders for any reason that may harm the company. The following guidelines apply:
- Do not use company information for personal gain; information should only be used for the benefit of the company.
- Do not disclose undisclosed company information unless authorized or publicly released.
- Do not disclose business information to competitors, even after leaving the company.
- Store undisclosed information securely and limit access to those who need to know, with clear communication about confidentiality and restrictions on its use, including prohibitions on trading securities based on such information.
- Employees must destroy unused information in accordance with the company’s regulations to prevent data leaks.
- Security of information and IT systems
The company prioritizes the efficient and secure use of information technology systems. Employees are responsible for safeguarding company data from unauthorized use or breaches. The following guidelines apply:
- Use IT systems and data for the benefit of the company.
- Avoid system usage that may infringe on the rights of others or affect system performance, and do not use systems to access inappropriate content related to gambling or national security.
- Protection of company assets
Directors, executives, and employees are responsible for using the company’s resources and assets efficiently. The following guidelines apply:
- Use company assets efficiently and economically.
- Maintain the company’s assets in good condition to prevent damage or loss and ensure long-term, efficient use.
- Do not use company assets for personal gain or the benefit of others.
- Receiving gifts, gratuities, and business hospitality
To ensure an effective and appropriate procurement process, the company establishes the following guidelines:
- Avoid receiving gifts or gratuities of unusual value from business partners or others who may benefit from the employee’s actions.
- Avoid accepting hospitality from business partners or others who may benefit from the employee’s actions.
- Dissemination of the code of conduct
To ensure everyone in the organization is aware of the code of conduct, the company will take the following actions:
- Communicate the code of conduct to all employees, requiring them to sign an acknowledgment in writing.
- Post the code of conduct in visible locations and provide training to new employees, including a test to assess their understanding.
- Publish the code of conduct through company communication channels such as the company website and annual reports.
- Regularly review the code of conduct.
- Discipline
The company’s code of conduct is considered a disciplinary matter, and all directors, executives, and employees must strictly adhere to it. Employees who violate or fail to comply will be subject to disciplinary action under the company’s personnel regulations.
- Discipline
Employees are responsible for reporting violations or complaints when they witness illegal acts or breaches of the code of conduct, as well as inaccurate financial reporting or inadequate internal controls. The following procedures apply:
- Anyone who witnesses violations of the law or breaches of the code of conduct can report concerns via the audit committee’s email (audit@e-tech.co.th) or submit complaints to the following:
Chairman of the Audit Committee
Internal Audit Department
Managing Director
Company Secretary - Reporters, complainants, or those cooperating with investigations will be protected under the company’s “Whistleblower Policy.”
- Preventive measures and penalties
Violators of this code of conduct or company policies will face disciplinary action, with penalties determined based on the circumstances and severity of each case. Legal violations may result in civil or criminal proceedings. Employees facing situations that could lead to violations should report them through the appropriate channels.
- Compliance and review
It is the duty and responsibility of all directors, executives, and employees to be aware of, understand, and strictly follow the policies outlined in this code of conduct. Supervisors must ensure that their subordinates comply with this code of conduct.
- Conclusion
This code of conduct cannot cover every possible situation or answer every question, so employees must use their judgment to determine what is right and know when to consult others. If in doubt, consider the following questions:
1. Will this action cause harm to life, health, or safety?
2. Does this action violate the laws or regulations?
3. Does this action conflict with company policies or practices?
4. Would I feel embarrassed if my supervisor or colleagues knew about this action?
5. Is this action dishonest or damaging to the company’s reputation?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” the action may violate the code of conduct, and you should seek guidance from your supervisor or HR department.
Remember, adhering to the code of conduct is an ongoing effort, and the company strives to maintain and comply with it in good faith.
I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understood the Code of Conduct of Earth Tech Environment Public Company Limited and will adhere to it in my work.